CF:NYE-CF Industries Holdings Inc (USD)

COMMON STOCK | Agricultural Inputs |

Last Closing

USD 76.4


-1.33 (-1.71)%

Market Cap




Analyst Target

USD 38.00
Analyst Rating


ducovest Verdict



Unadjusted Closing Price

Adjusted Closing Price

Share Volume

Relative Performance (Total Returns)

Relative Returns (From:    To: 2025-03-18 )

Largest Industry Peers for Agricultural Inputs

Symbol Name Price(Change) Market Cap
CTVA Corteva Inc


USD 41.52B
NTR Nutrien Ltd

-0.08 (-0.15%)

USD 25.12B
MOS The Mosaic Company

+0.67 (+2.53%)

USD 8.21B
ICL ICL Israel Chemicals Ltd

-0.26 (-4.11%)

USD 8.07B
UAN CVR Partners LP

+0.17 (+0.22%)

USD 0.76B
IPI Intrepid Potash Inc

-0.26 (-0.89%)

USD 0.34B
AVD American Vanguard Corporation

+0.02 (+0.42%)

USD 0.13B
BHIL Benson Hill, Inc. Common Stock

-0.05 (-6.63%)

USD 5.11M
ENFY Enlightify Inc.

-0.02 (-1.39%)

SMG Scotts Miracle-Gro Company

-1.52 (-2.48%)


ETFs Containing CF

ZEAT:CA BMO Global Agriculture ET.. 5.71 % 0.00 %


SHRY First Trust Bloomberg Sha.. 4.59 % 0.00 %

-0.20 (-0.27%)

USD 0.02B
PWER Macquarie ETF Trust 4.38 % 0.00 %

-0.07 (-0.27%)

USD 6.54M
FOOD:AU BetaShares Global Agricul.. 4.11 % 0.00 %

+0.13 (+-0.27%)

USD 0.09B
MDCP VictoryShares THB Mid Cap.. 3.86 % 0.00 %

-0.12 (-0.27%)

USD 0.06B
VEGI iShares MSCI Global Agric.. 2.96 % 0.37 %

-0.08 (-0.27%)

USD 0.10B
FCPI Fidelity® Stocks for Inf.. 2.64 % 0.00 %

-0.39 (-0.27%)

USD 0.28B
HCOW Amplify Cash Flow High In.. 2.45 % 0.00 %

-0.07 (-0.27%)

USD 9.91M
COWS Amplify Cash Flow Dividen.. 2.45 % 0.00 %

-0.07 (-0.27%)

USD 0.02B
FTAG First Trust Indxx Global .. 0.00 % 0.70 %

+0.05 (+-0.27%)

USD 5.91M
FTRI First Trust Indxx Global .. 0.00 % 0.70 %

+0.04 (+-0.27%)

USD 0.10B
MOO VanEck Agribusiness ETF 0.00 % 0.54 %

-0.06 (-0.27%)

OPD 0.00 % 0.40 %


PAGG 0.00 % 0.00 %


PRA:CA Purpose Diversified Real .. 0.00 % 0.73 %

+0.08 (+-0.27%)

CAD 0.07B
PYZ Invesco DWA Basic Materia.. 0.00 % 0.60 %

-0.18 (-0.27%)

USD 0.05B
MIDF 0.00 % 0.00 %


SOIL 0.00 % 0.69 %


ISAG:LSE iShares Agribusiness UCIT.. 0.00 % 0.00 %

-0.14 (-0.27%)

USD 0.48B
SPAG:LSE iShares V Public Limited .. 0.00 % 0.00 %

-11.00 (-0.27%)

JZRO 0.00 % 0.00 %


IVEG iShares Emergent Food and.. 0.00 % 0.00 %

-0.01 (-0.27%)

USD 4.11M

Market Performance

  Market Performance vs. Industry/Classification (Agricultural Inputs) Market Performance vs. Exchange
  Value Sector Median Percentile Rank Grade Market Median Percentile Rank Grade
Capital Gain -10.45% 21% F 17% F
Dividend Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total Return -10.45% 21% F 16% F
Trailing 12 Months  
Capital Gain -11.46% 46% F 19% F
Dividend Return 1.74% 27% F 32% F
Total Return -9.72% 38% F 18% F
Trailing 5 Years  
Capital Gain 232.46% 92% A 86% B+
Dividend Return 31.33% 64% D 67% D+
Total Return 263.79% 83% B 86% B+
Average Annual (5 Year Horizon)  
Capital Gain 31.12% 85% B 88% B+
Dividend Return 33.61% 85% B 88% B+
Total Return 2.49% 45% F 56% F
Risk Return Profile  
Volatility (Standard Deviation) 52.31% 46% F 18% F
Risk Adjusted Return 64.25% 85% B 76% C+
Market Capitalization N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Annual Financials (USD)

Quarterly Financials (USD)

Analyst Rating

Target Price Action Rating Action Analyst Rating Price Date

This is a composite scorecard based on the application of evaluation criteria deemed most important by analysts. This is not a buy or sell recommendation.

What to like:
Superior risk adjusted returns

This stock has performed well, on a risk adjusted basis, compared to its sector peers(for a hold period of at least 12 months) and is in the top quartile.

High dividend returns

The stock has outperformed its sector peers on average annual dividend returns basis in the past 5 years (for a hold period of at least 12 months) and is in the top quartile. This can be a good buy, especially if it is outperforming on total return basis , for investors seeking high income yields.

Superior Earnings Growth

This stock has shown top quartile earnings growth in the previous 5 years compared to its sector.

Superior Revenue Growth

This stock has shown top quartile revenue growth in the previous 5 years compared to its sector.

What to not like:
Below median total returns

The company has under performed its peers on annual average total returns in the past 5 years.

High volatility

The total returns for this company are volatile and above median for its sector over the past 5 years. Make sure you have the risk tolerance for investing in such stock.