SKM:NYE-SK Telecom Co Ltd ADR (USD)

COMMON STOCK | Telecom Services |

Last Closing

USD 21.68


+0.28 (+1.31)%

Market Cap

USD 8.21B



Analyst Target

USD 27.20
Analyst Rating


ducovest Verdict



SK Telecom Co., Ltd. provides wireless telecommunication services in South Korea. It operates through three segments: Cellular Services, Fixed-Line Telecommunications Services, and Other Businesses. The Cellular Services segment offers wireless voice and data transmission, Internet of Things solutions, platform, cloud, smart factory solutions, subscription, advertising and curated shopping under T Deal brand name, and metaverse platform-based services, as well as sells wireless devices. Its Fixed-Line Telecommunications Services segment provides fixed-line telephone services; broadband Internet services; media platform services, such as Internet protocol TV and cable TV; and business communications services. The Other Businesses segment offers T-commerce services, as well as portal services under Nate brand name. In addition, it provides call center management, base station maintenance, information gathering and consulting, database and internet website, cable broadcasting, broadcasting programs, and digital contents sourcing services; manufactures non-memory and other electronic integrated circuits; international telecommunication and mobile; and operates information and communications facilities, and mobile virtual network, as well as engages in communications and communication device retail business. SK Telecom Co., Ltd. was incorporated in 1984 and is based in Seoul, South Korea.

Unadjusted Closing Price

Adjusted Closing Price

Share Volume

Relative Performance (Total Returns)

Relative Returns (From:    To: 2025-03-17 )

Largest Industry Peers for Telecom Services

Symbol Name Price(Change) Market Cap
AMX America Movil SAB de CV ADR

+0.13 (+0.91%)

USD 45.22B
CHT Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd

+0.02 (+0.05%)

USD 30.39B

+0.23 (+0.98%)

USD 21.74B
TLK Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk..

+0.24 (+1.60%)

USD 15.43B
VIV Telefonica Brasil SA ADR

+0.14 (+1.58%)

USD 14.33B
KT KT Corporation

+0.35 (+1.91%)

USD 8.99B
TIMB TIM Participacoes SA

+0.16 (+1.07%)

USD 7.04B

+0.43 (+1.81%)

USD 5.14B
LUMN Lumen Technologies Inc

+0.20 (+4.11%)

USD 4.67B
TDS Telephone and Data Systems Inc

+0.44 (+1.26%)

USD 4.01B

ETFs Containing SKM

MAKX ProShares S&P Kensho Smar.. 4.59 % 0.00 %

+0.75 (+2.03%)

USD 0.95M
EEMV iShares MSCI Emerging Mar.. 0.00 % 0.67 %

+0.37 (+2.03%)

USD 3.98B
GWL 0.00 % 0.34 %


HAJ.A:CA 0.00 % 1.75 %


IST 0.00 % 0.40 %



Market Performance

  Market Performance vs. Industry/Classification (Telecom Services) Market Performance vs. Exchange
  Value Sector Median Percentile Rank Grade Market Median Percentile Rank Grade
Capital Gain 3.04% 45% F 72% C
Dividend Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total Return 3.04% 44% F 71% C-
Trailing 12 Months  
Capital Gain -1.90% 52% F 33% F
Dividend Return 3.05% 25% F 50% F
Total Return 1.15% 48% F 33% F
Trailing 5 Years  
Capital Gain -17.03% 35% F 11% F
Dividend Return 92.88% 95% A 94% A
Total Return 75.85% 65% D 40% F
Average Annual (5 Year Horizon)  
Capital Gain 4.24% 60% D- 48% F
Dividend Return 4.56% 50% F 42% F
Total Return 0.31% 8% B- 8% B-
Risk Return Profile  
Volatility (Standard Deviation) 28.71% 40% F 37% F
Risk Adjusted Return 15.88% 53% F 31% F
Market Capitalization 8.21B 68% D+ 83% B

Annual Financials (USD)

Quarterly Financials (USD)

Analyst Rating

Target Price Action Rating Action Analyst Rating Price Date

This is a composite scorecard based on the application of evaluation criteria deemed most important by analysts. This is not a buy or sell recommendation.

What to like:
Superior return on equity

The company management has delivered better return on equity in the most recent 4 quarters than its peers, placing it in the top quartile.

Underpriced compared to book value

The stock is trading low compared to its peers on a price to book value basis and is in the top quartile. It may be underpriced but do check its financial performance to make sure there is no specific reason.

Underpriced compared to earnings

The stock is trading low compared to its peers on a price to earning basis and is in the top quartile. It may be underpriced but do check its financial performance to make sure there is no specific reason.

Positive free cash flow

The company had positive total free cash flow in the most recent four quarters.

Underpriced on free cash flow basis

The stock is trading low compared to its peers on a price to free cash flow basis and is in the top quartile. It may be underpriced but do check its financial performance to make sure there is no specific reason.

Superior Earnings Growth

This stock has shown top quartile earnings growth in the previous 5 years compared to its sector.

High Gross Profit to Asset Ratio

This stock is in the top quartile compared to its peers on Gross Profit to Asset Ratio. This is a popular measure among value investors for showing superior returns in the long run.

What to not like:
Poor return on assets

The company management has delivered below median return on assets in the most recent 4 quarters compared to its peers.

Below median dividend returns

The company’s average income yield over the past 5 years has been low compared to its peers. However, it is not a problem if you are not looking for income.

Below median total returns

The company has under performed its peers on annual average total returns in the past 5 years.

High volatility

The total returns for this company are volatile and above median for its sector over the past 5 years. Make sure you have the risk tolerance for investing in such stock.

Low Revenue Growth

This stock has shown below median revenue growth in the previous 5 years compared to its sector