Last Closing

USD 99.4


+0.85 (+0.86)%

Market Cap

USD 258.54B



Analyst Target

Analyst Rating


ducovest Verdict



Unadjusted Closing Price

Adjusted Closing Price

Share Volume

Relative Performance (Total Returns)

Relative Returns (From:    To: 2025-03-17 )

Largest Industry Peers for Others

Symbol Name Price(Change) Market Cap
XNIF:LSE Xtrackers Nifty 50 Swap UCITS ..

+82.00 (+0.43%)

USD 292,109.69B
XNID:LSE Xtrackers Nifty 50 Swap UCITS ..

+2.45 (+0.99%)

USD 292,109.69B
0R1O:LSE Amazon.com Inc.

-2.75 (-1.39%)

USD 1,607.29B

+0.21 (+1.13%)

USD 701.81B
LCJP:LSE Lyxor Core MSCI Japan (DR) UCI..

+0.09 (+0.64%)

USD 636.56B

-1.38 (-1.14%)

USD 618.20B
0R1G:LSE Home Depot Inc.


USD 373.16B
0QZK:LSE Coca-Cola Co.

+1.60 (+2.35%)

USD 266.08B
PRJU:LSE Amundi Index Solutions - Amund..

+0.36 (+1.18%)

USD 260.39B
0QZ3:LSE Qualcomm Inc.

+2.00 (+1.29%)

USD 202.26B

ETFs Containing 0QZO:LSE


Market Performance

  Market Performance vs. Industry/Classification (Others) Market Performance vs. Exchange
  Value Sector Median Percentile Rank Grade Market Median Percentile Rank Grade
Capital Gain -10.45% 9% A- 17% F
Dividend Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total Return -10.45% 9% A- 17% F
Trailing 12 Months  
Capital Gain -13.00% 8% B- 21% F
Dividend Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total Return -13.00% 8% B- 20% F
Trailing 5 Years  
Capital Gain N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dividend Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Average Annual (5 Year Horizon)  
Capital Gain -4.06% 11% F 22% F
Dividend Return -4.06% 10% F 21% F
Total Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Risk Return Profile  
Volatility (Standard Deviation) 27.85% 22% F 35% F
Risk Adjusted Return -14.56% 15% F 25% F
Market Capitalization 258.54B 99% N/A 89% A-

Annual Financials (USD)

Quarterly Financials (USD)

Analyst Rating

Target Price Action Rating Action Analyst Rating Price Date

This is a composite scorecard based on the application of evaluation criteria deemed most important by analysts. This is not a buy or sell recommendation.

What to like:
High market capitalization

This is one of the largest entities in its sector and is among the top quartile. Such companies tend to be more stable.

Positive cash flow

The company had positive total cash flow in the most recent four quarters.

What to not like:
Poor risk adjusted returns

This company is delivering below median risk adjusted returns in its peers. Even if it is outperforming on returns , the returns are unpredictable. Proceed with caution.

Poor capital utilization

The company management has delivered below median return on invested capital in the most recent 4 quarters compared to its peers.

Poor return on equity

The company management has delivered below median return on equity in the most recent 4 quarters compared to its peers.

Overpriced on cashflow basis

The stock is trading high compared to its peers on a price to cash flow basis. It is priced above the median for its sectors. Proceed with caution if you are considering to buy.

Overpriced compared to earnings

The stock is trading high compared to its peers on a price to earning basis and is above the sector median.

Below median dividend returns

The company’s average income yield over the past 5 years has been low compared to its peers. However, it is not a problem if you are not looking for income.

High volatility

The total returns for this company are volatile and above median for its sector over the past 5 years. Make sure you have the risk tolerance for investing in such stock.