WLDN:NSD-Willdan Group Inc. (USD)

EQUITY | Engineering & Construction | NASDAQ Global Market

Last Closing

USD 40.11


-0.19 (-0.47)%

Market Cap

USD 0.19B



Analyst Target

USD 36.75
Analyst Rating


ducovest Verdict



Willdan Group Inc is a provider of professional, technical and consulting services to public agencies at all levels of government, public and private utilities and commercial and industrial firms.

Unadjusted Closing Price

Adjusted Closing Price

Share Volume

Relative Performance (Total Returns)

Relative Returns (From:    To: 2025-03-11 )

Largest Industry Peers for Engineering & Construction

Symbol Name Price(Change) Market Cap
TTEK Tetra Tech Inc

-0.68 (-2.27%)

USD 7.82B
IESC IES Holdings Inc

+7.29 (+4.49%)

USD 5.70B
EXPO Exponent Inc

-1.01 (-1.20%)

USD 4.30B
STRL Sterling Construction Company ..

+4.66 (+4.20%)

USD 3.89B
ROAD Construction Partners Inc

+0.70 (+1.03%)

USD 3.88B
MYRG MYR Group Inc

+7.78 (+7.33%)

USD 1.98B
NVEE NV5 Global Inc

-0.03 (-0.17%)

USD 1.14B
GLDD Great Lakes Dredge & Dock

+0.11 (+1.43%)

USD 0.57B
BWMN Bowman Consulting Group Ltd

+0.41 (+2.23%)

USD 0.36B
MTRX Matrix Service Co

+0.51 (+4.34%)

USD 0.34B

ETFs Containing WLDN


Market Performance

  Market Performance vs. Industry/Classification (Engineering & Construction) Market Performance vs. Exchange (NASDAQ Global Market)
  Value Sector Median Percentile Rank Grade Market Median Percentile Rank Grade
Capital Gain 5.30% 90% A- 81% B-
Dividend Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total Return 5.30% 90% A- 81% B-
Trailing 12 Months  
Capital Gain 53.44% 88% B+ 91% A-
Dividend Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total Return 53.44% 88% B+ 91% A-
Trailing 5 Years  
Capital Gain 74.62% 46% F 69% C-
Dividend Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total Return 74.62% 46% F 65% D
Average Annual (5 Year Horizon)  
Capital Gain 17.22% 35% F 71% C-
Dividend Return 17.22% 35% F 70% C-
Total Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Risk Return Profile  
Volatility (Standard Deviation) 55.23% 53% F 35% F
Risk Adjusted Return 31.18% 41% F 63% D
Market Capitalization 0.19B 62% D 62% D

Key Financial Ratios

  Ratio vs. Industry/Classification (Engineering & Construction) Ratio vs. Market (NASDAQ Global Market)
  Value Sector Median Percentile Rank Grade Market Median Percentile Rank Grade
Market Value  
Price / Earning Ratio 26.60 68% 46%
Price/Book Ratio 2.16 70% 46%
Price / Cash Flow Ratio 12.17 43% 25%
Price/Free Cash Flow Ratio 10.85 63% 34%
Management Effectiveness  
Return on Equity 11.04% 55% 79%
Return on Invested Capital 6.28% 43% 68%
Return on Assets 4.75% 60% 84%
Debt to Equity Ratio 44.52% 40% 43%

Annual Financials (USD)

Quarterly Financials (USD)

Analyst Rating

Target Price Action Rating Action Analyst Rating Price Date

This is a composite scorecard based on the application of evaluation criteria deemed most important by analysts. This is not a buy or sell recommendation.

What to like:
Positive cash flow

The company had positive total cash flow in the most recent four quarters.

Positive free cash flow

The company had positive total free cash flow in the most recent four quarters.

High Gross Profit to Asset Ratio

This stock is in the top quartile compared to its peers on Gross Profit to Asset Ratio. This is a popular measure among value investors for showing superior returns in the long run.

What to not like:
Poor risk adjusted returns

This company is delivering below median risk adjusted returns in its peers. Even if it is outperforming on returns , the returns are unpredictable. Proceed with caution.

Highly leveraged

The company is in the bottom half compared to its sector peers on debt to equity and is highly leveraged. However, do check the news and look at its sector and management statements. Sometimes this is high because the company is trying to grow aggressively.

Poor capital utilization

The company management has delivered below median return on invested capital in the most recent 4 quarters compared to its peers.

Overpriced on cashflow basis

The stock is trading high compared to its peers on a price to cash flow basis. It is priced above the median for its sectors. Proceed with caution if you are considering to buy.

Below median dividend returns

The company’s average income yield over the past 5 years has been low compared to its peers. However, it is not a problem if you are not looking for income.

Low Earnings Growth

This stock has shown below median earnings growth in the previous 5 years compared to its sector