ETPMPM:AU:AU-Global X Physical Precious Metals Basket (AUD)

ETF | Others |

Last Closing

USD 237.35


0.00 (0.00)%

Market Cap




Analyst Target

Analyst Rating


ducovest Verdict



ETFS Physical PM Baske is intended to provide a return equivalent to the movements in the spot prices of four precious metals less the applicable management fee. ETFS Physical PM Baske is backed by physical allocated precious metal held by HSBC Bank USA (the custodian).

Unadjusted Closing Price

Adjusted Closing Price

Share Volume

Relative Performance (Total Returns)

Relative Returns (From:    To: 2025-03-03 )

Largest Industry Peers for Others

Symbol Name Price(Change) Market Cap
VAS:AU Vanguard Australian Shares

+0.98 (+0.97%)

USD 17.87B
IVV:AU iShares Core S&P 500 AUD

+0.93 (+1.48%)

USD 11.60B
VGS:AU Vanguard MSCI International Sh..

+2.09 (+1.48%)

USD 10.39B
QUAL:AU VanEck Vectors MSCI World ex A..

+0.73 (+1.23%)

USD 7.35B
IOZ:AU Ishares Core S&P/Asx 200

+0.34 (+1.03%)

USD 6.40B

+0.47 (+0.64%)

USD 5.57B
VTS:AU Vanguard US Total Market Share..

+7.12 (+1.53%)

USD 5.54B
NDQ:AU Betashares Nasdaq 100

+0.75 (+1.52%)

USD 5.22B
HNDQ:AU BetaShares NASDAQ 100 ETF - Cu..

+0.63 (+1.51%)

USD 4.86B
A200:AU BetaShares Australia 200

+1.34 (+0.98%)

USD 4.72B

ETFs Containing ETPMPM:AU


Market Performance

  Market Performance vs. Industry/Classification (Others) Market Performance vs. Exchange
  Value Sector Median Percentile Rank Grade Market Median Percentile Rank Grade
Capital Gain N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dividend Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Trailing 12 Months  
Capital Gain 19.69% 88% B+ 76% C+
Dividend Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total Return 19.69% 84% B 74% C
Trailing 5 Years  
Capital Gain N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dividend Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Average Annual (5 Year Horizon)  
Capital Gain 6.67% 64% D 54% F
Dividend Return 6.67% 55% F 50% F
Total Return N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Risk Return Profile  
Volatility (Standard Deviation) 8.31% 67% D+ 92% A
Risk Adjusted Return 80.30% 71% C- 91% A-
Market Capitalization N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Annual Financials (AUD)

Quarterly Financials (AUD)

Analyst Rating

Target Price Action Rating Action Analyst Rating Price Date

This is a composite scorecard based on the application of evaluation criteria deemed most important by analysts. This is not a buy or sell recommendation.

What to like:

There is nothing we particularly like

What to not like:

There is nothing we particularly dislike